Friday, July 1, 2011

Small Roads in Eclipse

Hello All,
When i was wondering for some easy steps or shorcuts in eclipse i searched and got many but i wanted to keep them at one place.So here i am with small collection.
May be it helps somebody!!!

1) Ctrl + Space – Intelli-sense or auto completion 

2) How do I get line numbers?
Go to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Editors -> All Text Editors and check Show line numbers.

NOTE: You can also change the color appearance.

3) How do I get soft tabs?
        To get soft tabs (tabs replaced by spaces) as you type, go to Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Code style-> Formatter and select the profile Java Conventions [built-in]. This should be set correctly to  give soft tabs.

    You can create your own profile by clicking Show...; for soft tabs, go to Indentation un-check Use tab   characters. After making your changes, you will be prompted for a name for your new profile.

4)      Global Search - One of my favorites is Ctrl + Shift + G, which searches the workspace for   references to the selected method or variable.

5)       A complete list of shortcuts can be seen with Alt + Shift + L. Going through that list is sure to teach you a few new tricks about Eclipse.

 6) Ctrl + O - Doing it once gives you the ability to quick search/jump to methods in the class you have already open.Doing it twice, gives you the same ability but then for all methods in the current class plus super classes. Very handy!

7)  Ctrl + F6 - toggle between tabbed editors.

8) Ctrl + E - List of open editors.

9)  Ctrl + F3 and Ctrl + O also show the list of the functions in a class.

10)  Ctrl + T - type hierarchy 

11)      Ctrl + Shift + R - will open a dialog for you where you can type the name of method which u wish to open.

12)      Add getter and setters for particular field:
                       write String temp and press (Ctrl + 1) after selecting the field

    you will get an option to add getters and setters for that field.

13)      To quickly do a rename that doesn't require full analysis of dependencies in other files, write String temp and press (Ctrl + 1) after selecting the field you will get an option to rename.

14)  Edit -> Quick fix will produce effect of Ctrl + 1

15)      Ctrl + L - to go to specific line number.

16)      To find a matching bracket select an opening or closing bracket and pressCtrl + Shift + P or select Navigate > Go To > Matching Bracket. You can also double click before an opening or after a closing bracket - this selects the text between the two brackets.

17) To create a delegate method for a field select the field's declaration and invoke Source > Generate Delegate Methods. This adds the selected methods to the type that contains a forward call to delegated methods. This is an example of a delegate method.


18)      F4 To display hierarchy view of current class.

19) Ctrl + Shift + O - To manage imports automatically.

20) Ctrl + 3 –  Check this out.

21) Ctrl + Alt + H - Open Call Hierarchy.

22) Ctrl + Mouse Click - takes you to the declaration or definition

23) Ctrl + Q - Go to the last edit location.

24) Alt + ← and Alt + → - Hop back and forth through the files you have visited.

25)  ALT + Shift + C  - To change method signature.    

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Screen Resolutions of Blackberry Devices

BlackBerry 7100                   240 x 260
BlackBerry 7100i                  240 x 260
BlackBerry 7100g                 240 x 260
BlackBerry 7100r                  240 x 260
BlackBerry 7100v                 240 x 260
BlackBerry 7100x                 240 x 260
BlackBerry 7100t                  324 x 352
BlackBerry 7105t                  240 x 260
BlackBerry 7130                   240 x 260
BlackBerry 7130c                 240 x 260
BlackBerry 7130e                 240 x 260
BlackBerry 7130g                 240 x 260
BlackBerry 7130v                 240 x 260
BlackBerry 7210                   240 x 160
BlackBerry 7220                   240 x 160
BlackBerry 7230                   240 x 160
BlackBerry 7250                   240 x 160
BlackBerry 7270                   240 x 160
BlackBerry 7280                   240 x 160
BlackBerry 7290                   240 x 160
BlackBerry 7510                   240 x 160
BlackBerry 7520                   240 x 160
BlackBerry 7730                   240 x 240
BlackBerry 7750                   240 x 240
BlackBerry 7780                   240 x 240
BlackBerry 8100                   240 x 260
BlackBerry 8120                   240 x 260
BlackBerry 8130                   240 x 260
BlackBerry 8220                   240 x 320
BlackBerry 8300                   320 x 240
BlackBerry 8310                   320 x 240
Blackberry 8320                   320 x 240
BlackBerry 8330                   320 x 240
BlackBerry 8350i                  320 x 240
BlackBerry 8520                   320 x 240
BlackBerry 8530                   320 x 240
BlackBerry 857                     160 x 160
BlackBerry 8700 (c/r/f/g)       320 x 240
BlackBerry 8703e                  320 x 240
BlackBerry 8707 (g/h/v)         320 x 240
BlackBerry 8800                    320 x 240
BlackBerry 8820                    320 x 240
BlackBerry 8830                    320 x 240
BlackBerry 8900                    480 x 360
BlackBerry 9000                    480 x 320
BlackBerry 9105                    360 x 400
BlackBerry 9501                    32 x 65
BlackBerry 9500                    360 x 480
BlackBerry 9520                    360 x 480
BlackBerry 9530                    360 x 480
BlackBerry 9550                    360 x 480
BlackBerry 957                     160 x 160
BlackBerry 9630                   480 x 360
BlackBerry 9700                   480 x 360
BlackBerry 9800                   360X480

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Configure Eclipse for Blackberry

System Requirements:

1) Monitor Resolution - 1024X768 or higher.

2) Intel Pentium 4 Processor

3) Windows Vista/XP/7.

4) JDK Versio 5 or 6;

5) BB Eclipse Pluggin

6) BB e_JDE's

Things To Download with links:

1) Download JDK

2) Download Eclipse IDE (Ganymede/Helios etc.. higher versions)

3) To get BB tools go to:


1) Install JDK

2) Install Eclipse (Just unzip the folder).

3) Now install pluggins.

Setting Environment Variables:

Path variables tell the JVM where to look for user defined classes and packages when running java programs.

1) Right Clivk on MyComputer

2) Go to properties

3) Advanced System Properties.

4) Environment Variables.

1) Create Variable : JAVA_HOME


2) Now just append %JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin; to the end of your CLASSPATH and PATH variable

3) To verify that you have set environment variable properly :

type java-version in windows command prompt.

If correctly installed it will show you all versions installed else error message.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Send SMS in Blackberry using J2ME


When i had to implement this feature then i surfed a lot.I was new to Blackberry and J2ME.
I saw several posts but non was able to help me truely.

I gathered up the code and made it to work.
I had to send the message to the person whose call i missed up or to person whose incomming call is explicitly disconnected by me when i was busy.

The moment i disconnect the call, immediately a message is send to thta number.
That too should be done in a separate thread to avoid hang ups.

Hope it help someone. :)

Send SMS from Blackberry Application:

import javax.wireless.messaging.MessageConnection;
import javax.wireless.messaging.TextMessage;

import net.rim.device.api.system.RadioInfo;
public class SendSMS extends Thread {
    private String to;
    private String msg;

    public SendSMS(String to, String msg) { = to;
        this.msg = msg;

    public void run() {
        if (RadioInfo.getNetworkType() == RadioInfo.NETWORK_CDMA) {
            DatagramConnection dc = null;
            try {
                dc = (DatagramConnection)"sms://" + to);
                byte[] data = msg.getBytes();
                Datagram dg = dc.newDatagram(dc.getMaximumLength());
                dg.setData(data, 0, data.length);
            } catch (IOException e) {
            } finally {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {

        } else {
            MessageConnection mc = null;
            try {
                mc = (MessageConnection) Connector
                        .open("sms://" + to);
                TextMessage m = (TextMessage) mc
            } catch (IOException e1) {
            } finally {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {



Send msg when call gets disconnected:
public void callDisconnected(int callId)
        final PhoneCall call = Phone.getCall(callId);
        final String number = call.getDisplayPhoneNumber();
        SendSMS sendSMS = new SendSMS(number, "message");
You can try other methods also depending upon the requirements.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sending Email with Attachment in Blackberry using J2ME

Now days in almost every application user has to send email and share the contents such as score of any game etc..
Using the below code in any blackberry application one can easily do that.

Address[] address = new Address[1];

    address[0] = new Address(email,name);

   catch (AddressException e1)
 byte[] data = readFile();
 Multipart multipart = new Multipart();
 SupportedAttachmentPart attach ;

 attach = new SupportedAttachmentPart(multipart,"application/x-example", "test.txt", data);
 Message msg = new Message();

// add the recipient list to the message

     msg.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, address);

    // set a subject for the message
   msg.setSubject("Mail from mobile");

  catch (MessagingException e1)



 catch (MessagingException e) {
 private static byte[] readFile() {
 String fName ="
 byte[] data = null;
 FileConnection fconn = null;
 DataInputStream is = null;

      fconn = (FileConnection), Connector.READ_WRITE);
      is = fconn.openDataInputStream();
     data = IOUtilities.streamToBytes(is);

  catch (IOException e)


        if (null != is)
        if (null != fconn)

   catch (IOException e)
 return data;

Have a look at this sample image:

Custom Popups in Blackberry


1) Create a class that extends Popup .
2) In this class use your own manager
a) take one vertical field manager
b) add some text using label field and also a button inside this vertica field manager
c) And add vertical field manager in your screen

PopupScreen popup = new PopupScreen(new VerticalFieldManager());
popup.add(new LabelField("Hello!"));
popup.add(new ButtonField("OK"));

Create Border less Popup screen
PopupScreen popup = new PopupScreen(new VerticalFieldManager());
popup.add(new LabelField("Hello!"));
Border border = BorderFactory.createSimpleBorder(new XYEdges(), Border.STYLE_TRANSPARENT);

Push popup screen:

UiApplication.getUiApplication().pushScreen(new MyPopup());

Closing a popup scren when uer clicks on Escape Key:
Need to implement Keychar method

popupscreen1=new PopupScreen(myverticalfieldmanager)
        protected boolean keyChar(char c, int status, int time)
               if (c == Characters.ESCAPE)
              return super.keyChar(c, status, time);

Have a look at this:

Monday, January 17, 2011

Using image for a TextEditField in Blackberry

Hello all,
When i started coding for basic edit field in blackberry i found 
that it is transparent but the look was not exactly that i wanted. 
I wanted a look of TextEditField that appears in websites 
so i tried the below mentioned code. 
May be it can help to any blackberry developer.
Here is the code:
LabelField label = new LabelField("name");

textbox=new EditField("","",500, 
  protected void paint(Graphics g)
  protected boolean keyChar(char key, int status, int time) 
     return super.keyChar(key, status, time);

 manager = new VerticalFieldManager(HORIZONTAL_SCROLL )
    protected void paint(Graphics g) 
      int x = this.getHorizontalScroll();
        g.drawBitmap( x, 0, textbox_img.getWidth(), 
           textbox_img.getHeight(),textbox_img, 0, 0 );
now add this manager in your main screen and see how it looks.
Its even supports horizontal scroll.
Look at this:

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Adding Menu Items in existing Blackberry Apps

Hello every one,

Sometimes it happens that you want to add your own menu item to the existing blackberry applications.When user clicks menu key in an existing application then a menu item added by you is visible say "Open with myApp" or "import with myApp".

This can be achieved using the ApplicationMenuItemRepository class.
net.rim.blackberry.api.menuitem package, enables you to add menu items to BlackBerry applications.

1) It enables you to add or remove application menu items.
2) It provides constants that define the contexts in which a menu items can appear.

For example:
The ApplicationMenuItemRepository.MENUITEM_CALENDAR constant specifies that the menu item appears when the calander is open.

In this sample we will invoke calander application by clicking on a button and we can see a new menu item added on the calendar app.

Here you go:

package com.Test;

import java.util.Date;
import javax.microedition.pim.Event;
import net.rim.blackberry.api.invoke.CalendarArguments;
import net.rim.blackberry.api.invoke.Invoke;
import net.rim.blackberry.api.menuitem.ApplicationMenuItem;
import net.rim.blackberry.api.menuitem.ApplicationMenuItemRepository;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.Field;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.FieldChangeListener;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.ButtonField;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.LabelField;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.MainScreen;

public class ApplicationMenuDemo extends MainScreen
    LabelField lbl;
        MyMenuItem myMenuitem = new MyMenuItem(0);
        ApplicationMenuItemRepository.MENUITEM_CALENDAR, myMenuitem);
        setTitle("ApplicationMenuItemRepository Demo");
        lbl = new LabelField("imported start date will be displayed here");
        ButtonField btn = new ButtonField("import from Calendar");
        add(new LabelField("",LabelField.NON_FOCUSABLE));
        add(new LabelField("",LabelField.NON_FOCUSABLE));
    FieldChangeListener listener = new FieldChangeListener()
        public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context)
          Invoke.invokeApplication(Invoke.APP_TYPE_CALENDAR, new
     class MyMenuItem extends ApplicationMenuItem
            String text;
            MyMenuItem(int order)

            public Object run(Object context)
                if (context instanceof Event)
                    Event event = (Event) context;
                    Date date = new Date((event.getDate(Event.START, 0)));
                return context;

            public String toString()
                return "Import Calander Date";
See how it looks:



link for api details:
Enjoy coding :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ads Service in Blackberry


Working with Ads Service in Blackberry is really great and new experience for those who haven't worked on iAds in iPhone.
I have gathered some information that i would like to share with all and may be some where somebody can be helped by it.

Advertisements rule the world...Keeping this in mind Blackberry platform provides you the capability to display ads in your Blackberry Device Application. Many of you must have seen such feature in iPhone Apps where ads are called as iAds.

To sign up for the Advertising Service, visit

Using the Advertising Service SDK:

1) For each application that you integrate ads into, you need a unique instance of the Advertising Service SDK.

2) If you have multiple applications in which you want to display ads, you must register each application with Research In Motion separately.

3) Each application that you register, RIM sends you a new SDK which is identified by a unique package ID.

4) To use the Advertising Service API in an application, you have to add the .jar file for the Advertising Service API to the build path of a BlackBerry application project,after this develop and package the application, and distribute the application .cod file with the .cod file that contains the Advertising Service API.

System requirements

• BlackBerry® Java® Plug-in for Eclipse® 1.1 or later with the BlackBerry Java SDK 4.5 - 5.0.
"The Advertising Service does not yet fully support BlackBerry® Device Software 6.0."

• BlackBerry® Java® Development Environment 4.5 or later

• BlackBerry® Email and MDS Services Simulator Package 4.1.2 or later

How to move ahead:

1) RIM send you two zipped files that you need to unzip



2) When you unzip them you can find many folders that contains the alx, cod, jad, jar files for different versions.

Files contained:




3) To add the .jar file of the Advertising Service API to your BlackBerry application Project :

Create a BlackBerry application project:

1. In Eclipse, in the Package/Project Explorer view, right-click the project that you want to add the .jar file to.
2. Click Build Path > Configure Build Path.
3. Click the Libraries tab.
4. Click Add External JARS if the .jar file is not in the current workspace (Prefer to add the jar file of particular version in your src folder).
5. Double-click net_rim_bbapi_adv_<package_ID>.jar to add the .jar file to the project.
7. Click OK.

Note: This itself doesn’t completes the task, you must also load the .cod file for the Advertising Service API on a BlackBerry device or in the BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator before an application can run.It would be a better option if you place the cod file in the simulators directory.

Ads Display Size
The Advertising Service supports the following sizes of ads, in pixels:
• 320 x 53 (required size for rich media ads)
• 216 x 36
• 168 x 28
• 120 x 20


import net.rim.blackberry.api.advertising.<package_ID>.Banner;

Here you go

package com.Test;

import net.rim.blackberry.api.advertising.appXXXXX.Banner;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.MainScreen;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.UiApplication;
class Ads extends UiApplication
    public static void main(String[] args)
       Ads theApp = new Ads();
    public Ads()
        pushScreen(new AdDemoScreen());

 class AdDemoScreen extends MainScreen
      public AdDemoScreen()
          Banner bannerAd = new Banner(placementId, null);

How to send Meta data with Ads:

import net.rim.blackberry.api.advertising.<package_ID>.Banner;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.MainScreen;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.UiApplication;
import java.util.Hashtable;

  public class Ads extends UiApplication
      public static void main(String[] args)
         Ads theApp = new AdDemo();
    public Ads()
       pushScreen(new AdsScreen());
 class AdsScreen extends MainScreen
     public AdsScreen()
        Hashtable metadata = new Hashtable();
        metadata.put("age", "61");
        metadata.put("gender", "female");

        Banner bannerAd = new Banner(placement_Id, metadata);

package_ID : (appXXXXX) You can see this number on the files that RIM send you.(net_rim_bbapi_adv_appXXXXX.jar).

placement_Id : When RIM sends you the files they also send some credentials containing placement_id

Package a BlackBerry application project
1. In Package Explorer view, right-click a BlackBerry project.
2. Click BlackBerry > Package Project(s).
The Console view displays the progress of packaging.

Run an application that displays ads on a device
1. Connect a BlackBerry device to a computer with a USB cable.
2. Oopen Command prompt.
3. At the command prompt, type cd <location_of_application_deliverable_files> and press Enter.
4. At the command prompt, type javaloader -u load <my_jad_file.jad> and press Enter to load the .jad file for the application on the BlackBerry device.
6. On the Home screen of the device, navigate to and click the application icon.

Customizing the appearance and behavior of the display area for an ad

1) setMMASize() : Sets the size of the Banner object.

1) If your application runs on a BlackBerry Device Software version earlier
than 5.0 so use setMMASize().

2) If your application runs on BlackBerry Device Software 5.0, and you do not set the size in the application code, the Banner object resizes itself automatically to match the size of the ad that the mediation layer returns.

If you set a size that is different from the one that you specify when you register your application, the server-side value overrides the size that you set in the application, potentially causing ads to display incorrectly.

Other Options for size:





2) Transition effect - The application by default displays a black transition effect between 2 ads.You can call this as fade in and fade out.

bannerAd.enableBannerTransition(false) – To turn off the transition effect
bannerAd. setBannerTransitionColor(Color.RED) - To specify a transition color that is supported by the Color class in the BlackBerry® Java® SDK.

3) Focus behavior- The application by default displays a blue border around the ad By default, when a user selects an ad.

bannerAd setBorderColor(Color.BLACK) - To specify a focus color that is supported by the Color class in the BlackBerry® Java® SDK.

bannerAd.setFocusOverrideFlag(true) – To prevent the Advertising Service API from handling focus behavior.

4) Placeholder image - Tthe application by default displays a transparent placeholder image with a border when ad service is waiting for an ad. You can customize the placeholder image, you can create a Bitmap object and pass it to the constructor for a Banner object as a parameter.

If you create your own placeholder image, verify that it has the same dimensions as the ads that
your application receives.

Bitmap customPlaceholder = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("Ad_placeholder.png");

Banner bannerAd = new Banner(placementId, null, 100000, customPlaceholder);

Enjoy Coding!!!!!!!!!!!


How to create a Custom Button Field in Blackberry

Hello all,
This is my first blog.I will be happy if it can help blackberry developers in any way.

Custom Buttons :  Blackberry supports buttons that a very simple yet use full which is by default dark grey in color and when it gets focus then it appears in blue color.

Most of the time we want to create apps or projects with a wide variety of graphics in it that can appeal the user.

For this purpose we can create our own custom buttons and apply focusable and non focusable images on it.Moreover we can also add text to it.

Here u go:

package com.MyProject;

import net.rim.device.api.system.Bitmap;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.*;

public class CustomButtonField extends Field
    Bitmap Unfocus_img, Focus_img, current_pic;
    int width;
    String text;
    Font font;   
    CustomButtonField(int width, String text, Bitmap onFocus, Bitmap onUnfocus, long style)
        Unfocus_img = onUnfocus;
        Focus_img = onFocus;
        current_pic = onFocus;
        this.text = text;
        this.width = width;
    protected void layout(int width, int height)
        setExtent(current_pic.getWidth(), current_pic.getHeight());       
    protected void paint(Graphics graphics)
                FontFamily fntFamily = FontFamily.forName("BBAlpha Sans");
                font = fntFamily.getFont(Font.BOLD,14);             
        catch(Exception e)
            font = Font.getDefault();
        graphics.drawBitmap(0, 0, current_pic.getWidth(), current_pic.getHeight(), current_pic, 0, 0);
        graphics.drawText(text, width, 7);
    protected void onFocus(int direction)
        current_pic = Unfocus_img;
  protected void drawFocus(Graphics graphics, boolean on)
    protected void onUnfocus()
        current_pic = Focus_img;
    public boolean isFocusable() {
        return true;
    protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time) {
        return true;

And this is how u can use it:
Bitmap focus = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("printButton_focus.png");
Bitmap unfocus = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("printButton_unfocus.png");
Bitmap focus1 = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("button-highlight.png");Bitmap unfocus1 = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("button.png");
 ButtonField obj = new ButtonField("Button");
 CustomButtonField button1 = new CustomButtonField(0,"",unfocus,focus,Field.FOCUSABLE);
 CustomButtonField button2 = new CustomButtonField(25,"Next",unfocus1,focus1,Field.FOCUSABLE);
 add(new RichTextField(Field.NON_FOCUSABLE));
 add(new RichTextField(Field.NON_FOCUSABLE));

Result of three added buttons depending upon the argument





Thank you to all those who helped me!!!!